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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Library Cards for Newly admitted students 2017

File No-JCK/12(1)/2017

Dated 05-07-2017

All the students of TDC 1st semester and HS 1st year are requested to fill up Library Membership Form by bringing 2 passport size photos, available in the Central Library. Students are required to bring the College Fee Card that has been issued to them. The filled up form must be submitted then and there in the Library so that they may not be delayed in getting library services by 1st week of August 2017. However for TDC 3rd, 5th semesters and HS 2nd year students those who have enrolled membership earlier are not required to make new cards and they can avail library services from 10th July 2017 onwards.


(Pradip Kr Singha)